
Do good. Have a Point. Tell a Good Story.

The firehose of data spewing at brand managers these days is overwhelming. It’s why agencies are looking more like actuaries than the culture creators we used to be. The need to help brands make sense of their data has shifted focus away from great storytelling. Does anyone remember when it was the ads, not the halftime show, that kept everyone on the couch during the Superbowl?

But before we stick a fork in the Creative Revolution and proclaim the suits the winners, the rising demand from consumers for more control over their private data and the push for a more European-style of digital governance is bringing back focus on purpose-driven messaging and responsibility for brands.

Consumers are no longer content with surface-level relationships with brands; they’re demanding deeper connections based on shared values. This trend reflects the growing importance of aligning brand values with the values of the consumer. Brands that demonstrate genuine commitment to social and environmental causes are winning hearts and wallets.

To succeed, brands must lead with authenticity, creating omnichannel stories that prioritize sincerity over superficiality. Brands that engage in “greenwashing” or “cause-washing,” where they appear socially responsible without actual commitment, risk alienating customers. Instead, they should invest in real, long-term, and meaningful initiatives, and then tell the story of their journey honestly.

Sustainability, ethical sourcing, diversity, and community involvement are areas where brands can make a real impact. Whether it’s reducing carbon footprints, supporting marginalized communities, or advocating for important social issues, consumers are looking for brands to step up and be agents of positive change.

And the brands who can tell these stories the best, are the ones who will earn the loyalty and affinity they so desperately need. The way we tell the story is what’s shifting, not the need for powerful storytellers. You only need to spend 5 minutes on Tiktok to realize the world is an inherently creative space, and as creative marketers, we need to up our game if we’re going to compete in these new storytelling arenas where attention is earned, not passively given.

Far from it being the death of creativity, we’re bullish on it. It feels much more like we’re sitting on the precipice of the creative revolution 2.0 than mourning its passing. So it’s time to sharpen those pencils, or more appropriately, charge that stylus, seek out those stories buried within the brands we serve and begin creating content that compels.